Cleanse Twogether Dirt & Makeup Remover Face Wash
Cleanse Twogether by Sotrue is your ultimate end-of-day makeup remover, delivering a refreshing and effective cleansing experience without any fragrance. With our deep cleanse dirt magnet technology, it effortlessly removes makeup and dirt in one go without stripping your skin.
- Gentle on the skin
- One-wash makeup removal
- Deep cleanse dirt magnet technology
- Hydrating formula, enriched with Olivem 300+ & hyaluronic acid
- Suitable for all skin types
- Dermatologist tested
- Free from toxins, is cruelty-free and vegan
About the product
Cleanse Twogether is like your skin's trusted companionβgentle, soothing, and perfect for daily use without drying you out. Effortlessly removing makeup in just one wash, it eliminates the hassle of double cleansing while leaving your skin feeling clean and refreshed. Designed for all skin types, whether dry, oily, or somewhere in between. Cleanse Twogether is dermatologist-tested and approved, ensuring safety and effectiveness for your skin and eyes.